Medium resin printers like the Anycubic Mono MS5 Pro are ideal when you need that extra bit build volume, and it's hard to complain about new features like the resin heater. Once that feature gets into resin printers by default, that's one less thing we have to worry about setting up.
While we generally recommend the more affordable units, if you want to have additional quality of life features then the Anycubic Mono MS5 Pro is ideal, largely because of the heater unit.
The Anycubic Mono MS5 Pro heater comes with "air purification", but this small brick of carbon will not captures resin fumes to any meaningful extent. Resin printers should always be vented when indoors, and filtration should only be used as mitigation. For a safety deep-dive visit our 3D Printing Air Quality Roundup.
Mono M5S Pro and M5S
- The M5S Pro and M5S come with resin runout protection.
- Both come with ACF release film by default.
- Both resin printers come with dual z-axis rails for stability.
Mono M5S Pro
- The Mono M5S Pro has a build volume of 223 x 126 x 200 mm.
- The most important new feature for the Mono M5S Pro is the inclusion of a small enclosure air heater.
- The M5S Pro includes algorithms to speed up the lift cycle and detect potential cured fragments in the vat before starting a print.
- The screen replacement cost for the Mono M5S Pro should be approximately $130.
- The pre-orders of the M5S Pro will begin to ship February 1st, 2024 for the United States, and we can expect to see it on amazon a few weeks later.

Mono M5S Pro Specifications
- Release Year: 2024
- Release Price: $460
- Assembly: Fully
- Build Volume: 223 x 126 x 200 mm
- XY Resolution: 0.016 mm (X), 0.024 mm (Y)
- Screen: 10.1" 14K (13,312 x 5,120)
- LED Intensity: n/a
- Compatible Slicers: Lychee, Chitubox, PrusaSlicer (UVtools)
- Power Requirement: 110 W
- Dimensions: 270 x 290 x 460 mm
- Weight: 20.7 lbs (9.4 kg)
Mono M5S
- The Mono M5S has a build volume of 218 x 123 x 200 mm.
- The Mono M5S brought new improvements including resin runout protection and detection for some types of print failures. These are included on the Pro version as well.
- The main advantage of the M5S over the Pro version will be the price difference, especially over the next few months.
- The screen replacement cost for the Mono M5S is $130.

Mono M5S Specifications
- Release Year: 2023
- Release Price: $460
- Assembly: Fully
- Build Volume: 218 x 123 x 200 mm
- XY Resolution: 0.019 mm (X), 0.024 mm (Y)
- Screen: 10.1" 12K (11,520 x 5,120)
- LED Intensity: n/a
- Compatible Slicers: Lychee, Chitubox, PrusaSlicer (UVtools)
- Power Requirement: 100 W
- Dimensions: 270 x 290 x 460 mm
- Weight: 19.6 lbs (8.9 kg)
Frequently Asked Questions
The release price for the Anycubic Mono MS5 Pro is $460, and units started shipping February 1st, 2024. This price will go down in the coming months.
The Anycubic Mono MS5 Pro has a build volume of 223mm (L) 126mm (W) 200mm (H).
The most prominent features of Anycubic Mono MS5 Pro is the heater for the resin and algorithms to improve the printing experience.
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