3rd Party Filter Media for 3D Printing

MERV 13 Filter 6 x 6 x 1

HEPA 13 Filter 6 x 6 x 1
Commissions earned on 3rd party items
Box Fan Air Filters
A box fan can be used to DIY an affordable air cleaner. To maximize air flow rate, buy the box fans with a higher wattage and use air filters that are 4 inches deep panels or have multiple pockets. While these are more expensive upfront, the additional surface area allows for a higher flow rate, and these filters have a higher holding capacity, which means they last much longer than a cheaper 1-inch filter. The lifespan of these filters can easily reach 12 months.3D Printing Air Quality Roundup
Box Fan 20x20

MERV 13 Filter 20 x 20 x 4

MERV 13+ Bag Filter 20 x 20
Commissions earned on 3rd party items